Background The Alumni or Old Boys' Association was set up on 25 June 1952, catering to a strong 5,000 member community. Established in 1875, St. Joseph's College (聖若瑟書院) is the oldest Catholic boys' secondary school in Hong Kong. It is located at 7 Kennedy Road, Mid-levels, in the Central and Western District. The College enrollment is about 1150; together with the primary school at 48 Wood Road, Wan Chai, the enrollment of the schools now exceeds 4200. St. Joseph's College is one of the few schools in Hong Kong that, in major, relies on English as the means of communication.The school curriculum uses English as the medium of instruction in all subjects with the exception of Chinese-related subjects and French. St. Joseph's College has always been revered as one of the most elite boys' schools in Hong Kong. It has always been revered as one of the best schools in Hong Kong. The sponsoring body of the College is the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Known as the 'Lasallian Brothers', the Institute's spirit is of faith and zeal: to have faith in God and an ardent zeal to teach the children, helping them in developing themselves so to live as brothers and sisters in a world of justice. In accordance, the mission of the College is "to educate students in areas of intellectual, physical, social, moral and emotional development" and "to impart a human and Christian education...and to do so with faith and zeal". The College provides education which emphasises not only academic but also extracurricular activities. The College also aims at stimulating the social awareness of the students, with a number of alumni becoming important social figures. |
Manager Election Timetable
you need to know about ALUMNI MANAGER ELECTION (2015)
1. Formation of Alumni Manager Election - Election Sub-Committee And Appeal CommitteeDuring the first Executive Committee (“ExCom”) meeting for the newly elected ExCom on 10 December 2014, it was decided unanimously that there shall be an election of an alumni manager as provided in the Incorporated Management Committee Constitution.In accordance with Articles 4 to 7 of the Saint Joseph’s College Old Boys’ Association (“SJCOBA”) Alumni Manager Election Bye-laws (“Bye-laws”), an Election Sub-Committee is formed with Louis Chan elected by the ExCom as the Convenor and Ronald Sum and David Lam appointed as members by the President of the SJCOBA after consultation with In accordance with Articles 8 to 10 of the SJCOBA Bye-laws, an Appeal Committee is formed with Hui Ka Ho elected by the ExCom as the Convenor and Thomas Tsang and Eugene Wong as members. Further details regarding the alumni manager election will be provided in due course. SJCOBA Alumni Manager Election Sub-Committee dated: 7 January 2015 |
2. Alumni Manager Election Timetable
3. Briefing to all SJC Old Boys on Alumni Manager ElectionA briefing on the logistics of the Alumni Manager Election will be held at the Old Hall in SJC on 7 February 2015 from 10am to 11am. All interested Old Boys are invited to attend.dated: 22 January 2015 |
4. Questions and Answers on issues relating to the Alumni ManagerBackground of the Incorporated Management Committee ("IMC")On
31 August 2013, the Incorporated Management Committee (“IMC”) of Saint
Joseph’s College (“the School”) was established under the Education
Ordinance, Cap 279 (“the Ordinance”) for the management of the School.
By its Constitution ("IMC Constitution"), the IMC of the School is composed of 12 managers to discharge the functions and powers provided in the Ordinance. Amongst the present Managers are: • Bro. Jeffrey Chan, appointed by the School Sponsoring body De La Salle Brothers (‘SSB’) as the Supervisor of the School, and 6 other SSB Managers, and • Mr KB Ching, elected Teacher Manager, and Mr Chris Chan, Alternate Teacher Manager SJCOBA as the only recognized old boys’ association of the School, and being long established with a history going back to 1913, has been entrusted by the School for the election of a nominee to be registered as Alumni Manager. How do we select the Alumni Manager? There
is just ONE Alumni Manager as provided in the IMC Constitution. The
Alumni Manager will therefore be elected from amongst old boys of the
School to be nominated for registration as one of the Managers.
The old boy in this position is expected to know the challenges the School has to face and to help discharge the functions and powers of the IMC as provided in the Ordinance. Terms of Office of the Alumni Manager 2
years with entitlement to re-election to serve a maximum of only 2
consecutive terms.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Alumni Manager Alumni
Manager is expected to carry out the objects of the IMC, which are to
promote education in and to manage the School and to formulate
education policies of the School in accordance with the Tradition and
Philosophy of Lasallian Education; and the Vision and Mission of the
School, so as to ensure that a human and Christian education is
imparted to the young, especially to the poor and needy, within the
Catholic and Lasallian spirit, and in line with the ethos of the
Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (De La Salle
The Tradition and Philosophy of Lasallian Education and the Vision and Mission of the School are specified in the IMC Constitution and available on request from sjc.am.election@gmail.com. Who is entitled to vote or be a candidate? All
alumni or old boys of the School whose names are on the Final Register
of Voters (“FRV”) are eligible to nominate or to be nominated as a
Candidate at the Election.
“Alumnus” and “Old boy” shall mean any ex-pupil of Saint Joseph’s College who had studied in the said College, and/or its primary school section at the said College at 7 Kennedy Road, Hong Kong, for at least one Scholastic Year. Definition of "Old Boy" “Old
boy” shall mean any ex-pupil of Saint Joseph’s College who has studied
in the said College, and/or its primary school section at the said
College at 7 Kennedy Road, Hong Kong, for at least one Scholastic Year.
How to register as a voter? Names
on the Final Register for the immediate past Alumni Manager Election
will be automatically included into the new Provisional Register and
Final Register for this election. Old Boys who are NOT SJCOBA
members or have not previously registered as Voters and wish to
register as such may download the VOTER REGISTRATION FORM, which will
be uploaded to the OBA website during the Voter Registration period or
obtain a copy of the same by email (sjc.am.election@gmail.com) from the SJCOBA Alumni Manager Election
Sub-committee (“ESC”). The form must be returned to the ESC on
/before the Cut-off date either by e-mail (sjc.am.election@gmail.com) or mail to SJC for the attention of the
NB : New SJCOBA Membership Applications will be suspended from commencement of the Voter Registration Period (1 February 2015) until after the Cut-Off Date (28 February 2015). Membership application: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4efka47y5jqlzy1/VoterRegistration.revA.pdf?dl=0. Old boys who are members of the SJCOBA but have not completed the voter registration process before may do so online (www.sjcoba.org) by logging into their account with SJCOBA and updating ALL fields in their membership profile BEFORE the Cut-off date. OBA Membership Profile updates will be suspended from the Cut-Off Date (28 February 2015) until after the Election Day (25 April 2015). On Election day, all old boys intending to vote will be required to produce the relevant ORIGINAL identity document corresponding to the information they supplied for voter registration. The responsibility on the correctness of the information supplied and the production of the relevant identity document on Election day rests on individual Old boy. Intending voters should check their names against the Provisional Register of Voters which will be published on OBA website on 12 March 2015 and any clarification of their voting status should be communicated to Louis Chan (email : sjc.am.election@gmail.com), Convenor of Alumni Manager Election Sub-committee, during the rectification period from 13 March to 26 March 2015. THERE IS NO DISCRETION TO ALLOW UNREGISTERED OLD BOYS TO VOTE ON ELECTION DAY. OLD BOYS WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO VOTE IF THEY FAIL TO PRODUCE ON ELECTION DAY THE ORIGINAL HKID, PASSPORT OR OTHER IDENTITY DOCUMENT MATCHING THE DETAILS ON THE REGISTRATION RECORD. Provisional and Final Registers of Voters Old
boys successfully Registered as a Voter will be listed in the
Provisional Register of Voters (PRV) which will be published on OBA
website on 12 March 2015. The publication of Final Register of Voters
(“FRV”) will be published on 27 March 2015.
Final Register for Voters (2014): https://www.dropbox.com/s/58ofgz310rdleis/FinalRegisterfor2014IMCAlumniElection2.pdf?dl=0 Final Register for Voters (2015): https://www.dropbox.com/s/03pijetl5a32yps/FRV%201.pdf?dl=0 Failure to furnish sufficient information for verification for Voter registration The
Election Sub-committee ("ESC") may at any time at its discretion seek
verification of identity and other relevant information for the purpose
of registration of Voter. The ESC may refuse to register the Old Boys/
SJCOBA Members who fail to comply with reasonable requests for such
verification as a Voter or remove that person from the Register of
Voters, whether Provisional or Final.
Nomination of Candidate
Alumni Manager Candidate All
old boys wishing to contest as a candidate for the Alumni Manager
position shall complete the NOMINATION FORM, as prescribed together
with such declaration(s) and personal information as may be required
and submit it to the Election Sub-committee during the 14-day period
from 28 March 2015 to 10 April 2015. Without limiting the generality of
the above, a Candidate shall submit with his Nomination Form his
written confirmation that his nomination to the IMC for registration as
an alumni manager of the IMC of the School does not infringe s40AL(5)
[serving the IMC in more than one capacity], s40AP(6) [not a teacher of
the School] and he meets all the registration requirements of an alumni
manager in that none of the grounds of refusal under s30 of the
Ordinance applies to him or would apply to him for the full term of
office as such alumni manager if so elected and registered.
A Candidate must be nominated by a Proposer and seconded by a Seconder. Both the Proposer and the Seconder must be on the FRV. Each Old boy, in his capacity either as Proposer or Seconder, can nominate a maximum of 2 Candidates. SJCOBA Alumni Manager Election Sub-committee dated: 22 January 2015 |
5. Voter registration for Saint Joseph’s College Incorporated Management Committee (IMC) Alumni Manager Election 2015In order to cast your vote in the upcoming IMC Alumni Manager election on 25 April 2015, all qualified old boys are required to register as voters during the Voter Registration Period (i.e. from 1 February to 28 February 2015).Names on the Final Register for the immediate past Alumni Manager Election will be automatically included into the new Provisional Register and Final Register for this election. Old boys whose names are not on this past Final Register (attached for checking) but want to vote or be nominated as candidate should register as voter by downloading and completing the VOTER REGISTRATION FORM, during the period of 1 February to 28 February or obtain a copy of the same by e-mail (sjc.am.election@gmail.com) from the SJCOBA Alumni Manager Election Sub-committee (“ESC”). The form must be returned to the ESC on /before 28 February 2015 either by e-mail (sjc.am.election@gmail.com) or mail to SJC for the attention of the ESC. Should you have any questions about the registration logistics, please feel free to contact us at sjc.am.election@gmail.com . IMC Alumni Manager Election Subcommittee dated: 31 January 2015 |
6. IMC Alumni Manager (AM) Election BriefingThe Election Subcommittee (ESC) conducted a briefing on the background and logistics of the AM Election on 7th February 2015. During the briefing, interested old boys shared their views on the duty of the AM.AM Election ESC dated: 9 February 2015 |
7. Alumni Manager Election Announcement – Provisional Register of VotersThe ESC has published a Provisional Register of Voters (“PRV”) listing out the names of Old Boys registered as Voters for the Election and their respective years of graduation or attending F5 or (if left SJC earlier) would have attended F5. https://www.dropbox.com/s/03pijetl5a32yps/FRV%201.pdf?dl=0Any Old boy who is of the opinion that his name should be but is not on the PRV shall as soon as practicable within 14 days after the publishing of the PRV, that is, before 5pm on 26 March 2015, inform the ESC of the same in writing at sjc.am.election@gmail.com together with proof that he has applied to register as a Voter during the Registration Period or he is a SJCOBA Member who satisfies the requirement for automatic registration as a Voter as on the Cut-Off Date. The ESC shall make an investigation. The decision of the ESC shall be final. (Alumni Manager Election Bye-laws 30) The ESC shall not entertain any complaint not made within time as stated hereinabove. (Alumni Manager Election Bye-laws 31) Publication of Final Register of Voters ("FRV") will be made on 27 March 2015. SJCOBA Alumni Manager Election Sub-committee dated: 11 March 2015 |
ContactAddress: 7 Kennedy Road, Central, Hong kongTel: (852) 3652 4888 Fax: (852) 2877 0232 Email: sjc.am.election@gmail.com |